The parishioners of St. Peter the Fisherman Parish extend a warm welcome to all who visit our website.
St. Peter the Fisherman Parish is a Roman Catholic parish, in the Diocese of Portland, Maine, serving the religious needs of Catholics in the southern part of Washington County. St. Peter the Fisherman parish serves four churches in the local area: Holy Name Church, Machias; Sacred Heart Church, Lubec; Saint Michael the Archangel Church, Cherryfield; and Saint Timothy Church, Campobello Island, NB.
St. Peter the fisherman Parish consists of the first three of the churches listed above. The fourth church mentioned, Saint Timothy, is actually located on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada. Through agreement with the Diocese of St. John, New Brunswick (Canada), and the Diocese of Portland, ME (USA), the pastor of St. Peter the Fisherman parish in the Diocese of Portland also ministers to the parishioners of Saint Timothy. In reality, all four churches receive the same services. We are blessed to have these four distinctive communities as part of our ministry.